Losing one or both breasts to cancer can be a traumatic experience that leaves some women longing for their pre-cancer form. Houston board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Christian Arroyo offers state-of-the-art reconstructive breast surgery to give women who have faced the trial of cancer a higher quality of life and leave them feeling more comfortable in their skin.
This is one of the most common breast reconstruction techniques. Plastic surgeons use artificial implants to build a new breast shape. For some women, the implant will be inserted during the mastectomy in what is referred to as an immediate reconstruction.
In some other cases, especially when there is not enough tissue, the surgeon will insert a temporary tissue expander at the same time as the mastectomy and then place the breast implant later.
Dr. Arroyo specializes in various implant breast reconstruction methodologies, including direct-to-implant, acellular dermal matrix, and expander implant procedure.